I went to Atsuta Shrine for New Year's visit 2020

I went to Atsuta Shrine for New Year's visit 2020

It's 2020.
Speaking of do L' (dwell), MMXX .
the Blu-ray of L'Arcuri, the new year started.

By the way, I wish you a happy new year.

The first post of 2020 is about going to Atsuta Shrine for New Year's visit.

Atsuta Shrine main gateThis year from the main gate.
It's far from Jingu Nishi Station on the Meijo Line, but I read somewhere that it's best to enter through the main gate.
Perhaps because it is a sacred place, I feel so tense when I pass through the torii gate.

Atsuta Shrine ChozuyaChozuya.

Atsuta Shrine large camphor treeA magnificent camphor tree no matter when you look at it.
This is a photo taken with iPhone 11 and reduced for blog use.
The iPhone 11 takes great pictures.

Atsuta Shrine long lineI went there on January 3rd with the intention of avoiding the crowds, but the number of people was amazing!
When I saw this number of people, I thought about going home for a moment lol

Atsuta Shrine: Two bows, two applause, one bow.However, although there were a large number of people, I was able to move forward relatively quickly and was able to visit the shrine safely.
Even if you are in a situation where it is difficult to move due to the overwhelming number of people, let's do the two bows, two applause, and one bow.

Atsuta Shrine amulet sales area

Atsuta Shrine fortune

Atsuta Shrine NakayoshiThe fortune is from Nakayoshi.
What made me happy was the part about "curing illness."
I am scheduled to be hospitalized on a certain day in March, so these are reassuring words for me personally.

Atsuta Shrine fortune tying place

In 2020, in terms of DoL's (Doel) MMXX (Kudoi) fortunately has a lot of things he wants to do, so he wants to do his best to output them properly.

Atsuta Shrine shop

[Related]: I went to Atsuta Shrine for New Year's visit 2017
[Related]: I went to Atsuta Shrine for New Year's visit 2016

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