I went to Komaki Air Base Open Base in 2015. ~Blue Impulse Edition

Last Sunday, March 13, 2016, I went to the ``2015 Komaki Air Base Open Base'' held at the Air Self-Defense Force Komaki Air Base.

The purpose was to watch Blue Impulse.

Personally, I think it will be the first time in about 20 years that I have been inside Komaki Air Base.

I went to see Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse No. 6Suddenly, the No. 6 machine crashed.
That's cool.

Blue Impulse No. 1 to No. 7A total of 7 aircraft were on standby.
It's spectacular.

Watch the video of the demonstration flight. ↓

Very disappointing weather with lots of clouds.

Also, the camera shake is too bad.
I realized how immature my photography skills were.

Blue Impulse No. 3The third aircraft had trouble and did not fly.
It's a shame.
Sub-plane No. 7 flew in its place.

blue impulse
blue impulseAfter the demonstration flight, I moved to the vicinity of aircraft 1 and took photos.


The Blue Impulse exhibition flight was truly amazing.
That's why I wanted to shoot videos better.

I enjoyed the event itself, but I have a lot of regrets about the filming.
I will work harder.

The equipment used is as follows.

[Related]: I went to Komaki Air Base Open Base in 2015. ~Photo edition

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