Eating Kameda's Kakinotane Sriracha Sauce Flavor

Eating Kameda's Kakinotane Sriracha Sauce Flavor

When I was shopping at a nearby supermarket, I came across something called Kameda's Kakinotane Sriracha Sauce Flavor

Apparently, this product is being sold for a limited time as part of Kameda's 50th anniversary project, ``World Spicy Seed Travel''.

I've always loved Kameda's Kaki no Tane, and I've always bought the Wasabi, Ume Shiso, Salt & Pepper, etc., so I decided to try this Sriracha sauce flavor as well.

Ethnic delicious spicy! !
A new ``Sriracha sauce flavor'' will be available for a limited time as part of Kameda's 50th anniversary project ``World Spicy Seed Journey''. The ethnic spiciness of chili peppers and garlic, combined with the umami of Kameda's persimmon seed soy sauce, goes perfectly with the fragrant and sweet peanuts.

via: 182g Kameda's Kakinotane Sriracha Sauce Flavor 6 Bags | Kameda Seika Co., Ltd.

Sriracha sauce is a spicy chili sauce that originated in Thailand and is made from chili pepper, vinegar, garlic, sugar, acidulant, thickener, and seasoning.
So, before I ate it, I imagined it to be very spicy, but...

Kameda's persimmon seed sriracha sauce flavor's painful, really.
Despite its spiciness, there is a slight sourness.
It has such a spicy taste, but the peanuts moderate the spiciness.
This will become a habit.

Well, since this is the first installment of Kameda's 50th anniversary project, "World Spicy Seed Journey," that means there will be a second and subsequent installments, right?
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of spicy flavor it will be next.

Just don't use death sauce

[Related]: Eating Kameda's Kakinotane Churrasco flavor
[Related]: Eating Kameda's Kakinotane Indian-style spicy curry

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