[Twitter] Display of number of tweets on tweet button will end by November 20, 2015

Will Twitter's ``140 character limit'' be lifted at the end of March?

The Tweet button on Twitter, which is also used on this blog as a matter of course.

From now on, the number of tweets will no longer be displayed on the tweet button, and it seems that the change will be completed by November 20, 2015.

As we announced on the forum the other day, we are redesigning the tweet and follow buttons that we have been providing up until now, and will no longer display the number of tweets on the tweet buttons. Changes are expected to be completed by November 20, 2015.

via: Hard decisions for a sustainable platform | Twitter Blogs

I've been feeling strange lately, and this seems to be the cause.

Reasons include: not reflecting Twitter's impact on the content; not including replies, quote-retweets, or tweets that express the same content but have different URLs; and how many followers the user who tweeted the content URL has. Because it does not include information such as...

Technical issues were also mentioned, but I would like to at least suggest an alternative solution.

Well, this might be a good opportunity to reconsider social buttons.

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