[Apple Music] How to play offline (download songs)

How to play offline (download songs)

Apple Music usually performs streaming playback, but it is also possible to play songs offline.

It's a good idea to download your favorite songs or songs you listen to repeatedly.

Here's how.

Steps to play offline (download songs) with Apple Music

Turn on “iCloud Music Library”

First, you need to turn on ``iCloud Music Library,'' so go to its settings.
Launch the Settings app. ↓Launch the settings app

Select "Music". ↓Select "Music"

Turn on "iCloud Music Library". ↓Turn on “iCloud Music Library”

Select either "Merge" or "Replace". ↓Either "combine" or "replace"

Select the artist's album or song you want to download

Please perform the following steps in a Wi-Fi environment if you want to save on data usage.

After turning on "iCloud Music Library", select the artist's album and song you want to download.

Launch the Music app and tap "..." in the right column of the artist's album or song you want to download.
This time it's Campanella's ``Sen no Rikyu'' on Wednesday. ↓Tap “…”

Tap "Make offline playable". ↓Tap "Make offline playable"

Tap "For You" in the upper left corner to return and confirm download execution. ↓Confirm download execution

After downloading, open My Music and check. ↓Open My Music and check

If music data is on your device, an icon will be displayed as shown in the image. ↓icon display

I'll see if I can play it offline.
Plays after turning on airplane mode. ↓Turn on airplane mode

You can play it offline. ↓play offline


Normal streaming playback naturally requires data communication, so it cannot be played in an offline environment.

Also, if you are not in a Wi-Fi environment, the communication limit will be a problem, but this can be resolved by downloading the songs.

[Related]: [Apple Music] What to do when you can't sign in/login
[Related]: [Apple Music] How to check which artists you're following
[Related]: Turn off/hide "Apple Music" from the iPhone Music app
[Related]: How to turn off (cancel) automatic renewal of Apple Music membership monthly charge
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[Related]: iOS 8.4 released, "Apple Music" Started in Japan, iBooks improvements, etc.

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