I tried the new iOS 9.3 feature "Night Shift".

I tried the new iOS 9.3 feature "Night Shift".

In iOS 9.3, a new feature "Night Shift" has been added.

[Related]: iOS 9.3 released. New feature "Night Shift" and many other feature improvements.

I immediately tried out a new feature that may help you sleep more comfortably (really?).

How to set “Night Shift”

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to bright blue light at night can affect your body's 24-hour rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. Night Shift uses your iOS device's clock and geolocation to estimate your local sunset time and automatically switch your display colors to a warmer color range1. Then in the morning it returns to normal settings. For a comfortable sleep.

via: iOS Update - Apple (Japan)

Let's set it up right away.

First, launch "Settings" and tap "Display & Brightness". ↓

Tap "Night Shift". ↓

Various settings can be made here. ↓

You can set ``Specify time'', ``Manually enable until tomorrow'', and ``Color temperature''.

Set "Time Specification" to either "Sunset to Sunrise" or "Custom Schedule". ↓

"Custom schedule" can be set in 1 minute increments.

Before and after. ↓
NightShift This is a reproduction of the initial color temperature value using Photoshop.
With screenshots, it was not possible to take pictures that reflected the color temperature (naturally?).
I wonder if I can somehow tell the difference.

After setting the above, it is convenient to turn it on or off in the control center (sun and moon icon in the bottom center). ↓


It certainly seems like the strain on the eyes can be reduced to some extent.

However, as the ambiguous expression ``this may help you get a good night's sleep,'' it seems better to think of it as a relaxing thing.

Of course, when editing images on your iPhone, you have to turn it off, so be careful.

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