Full moon Christmas. #EOSM3 #Canon

Full moon Christmas.

Tonight is a full moon Christmas.
Apparently it's been 38 years.

The full moon will be at its largest today at 20:11 Japan time.
It's night in Japan, so it's the best time to enjoy the full moon!
Also, if you miss this full moon Christmas, the next full moon Christmas will be in 2034.
I definitely want to make sure I don't miss this event.
By the way, the last full moon Christmas was in 1977.

via: Today is the first full moon Christmas in 38 years | sorae.jp: Portal site to the universe

That's why I tried shooting with Canon EOS M3...

full moon christmasThis is the limit even if you trim it thoroughly.
Well, the lens I use is a standard zoom, so I guess it's something like this.

Ah...I want a telephoto lens...

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