[Twitter] I discovered an alternative API for counting the number of tweets, "count.json", so I tried it out.

Will Twitter's ``140 character limit'' be lifted at the end of March?

The other day, I wrote an article like this.

[Twitter] Display of number of tweets on tweet button will end by November 20, 2015

I was very disappointed, but I discovered an alternative API for counting the number of tweets called "count.json", so I'm going to try it out in this article.

Alternative API “widgetoon.js & count.jsoon”

The alternative API seems to be an API released by a company called digitiminimi


Register now, how to use the API , and try using the code below in this article.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jsoon.digitiminimi.com/js/widgetoon.js"></script> <script> document.write( '<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-buttoon" data-url="' + document.URL + '" data-text="' + document.title +'" data-count="vertical" data-lang="ja">ツイート</a>'); widgetoon_main(); </script>

In the case of this blog, it seemed like it would be easier to install using "widgetoon.js", so I tried that, but did it work well? ↓


If it works well, I would like to implement it in earnest right away...

Well then...

[Related]: [Twitter] Tweet count display on tweet button will end by November 20, 2015
[Related]: Ninja Tools' Ninja Summary button is super convenient! ! Easily set up social buttons all at once

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