Mac application "DotCleaner" An application that deletes unnecessary files such as .DS_Store

Invisible files such as ".DS_Store" may get in the way when you transfer files and folders from your Mac to a USB memory, pass them to Windows, or upload them to a server.

In such a case, it would be a good idea to delete unnecessary invisible files using the Mac application "DotCleaner".

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Category: Utility

How to use the Mac app “DotCleaner”

After launching the app, click "Choose Folder". ↓
After starting the app

Select any folder. ↓
Select any folder

Click Start Cleanup. ↓

After deletion. ↓
S Delete

It says "7 dot files/folders were removed.", so we were able to delete 7 unnecessary invisible files.

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Category: Utility
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