Mac app “Caffeine” prevents sleep with one click from the menu bar

Even if you set your Mac to sleep after a certain period of time to conserve battery power, there are often situations where you don't want it to go to sleep.

It's a pain to have to reset the settings in "System Preferences" every time you don't want it to go to sleep...

In such cases, it is convenient to use the Mac app "Caffeine".

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Categories: Utility, Productivity

Mac app “Caffeine” settings

When you start "Caffeine" after installation, the following settings screen will be displayed. ↓
Settings screen

The checkboxes for each item are

  • Automatically start Caffeine at login
    → "Caffeine" starts at login
  • Activate Caffeine at launch
    → "Caffeine" is enabled at login
  • Show this message when starting Caffeine
    →Show this message window at startup

It becomes.

For "Default duration", you can select the time until sleep from the following times.

  • Indefinitely
  • 5 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 5 hours

Switching “Caffeine” ON/OFF

After initial settings, you can turn "Caffeine" on or off by clicking on the coffee cup in the menu bar.

If it's ON, the coffee will be in there and steaming. ↓

If it is OFF, the coffee will be empty. ↓
In case of OFF

Right-click the coffee cup on the menu bar to display the "Caffeine" menu. ↓
In case of OFF

If you want to change various settings, you can select the time from ``Preferences'', or if you want to change only the time until sleep, you can select the time from ``Activate for''.


As you can see, the app "Caffeine" is convenient and easy to set up, but it doesn't seem to be able to prevent sleep when the display is closed.
That's a shame...

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Categories: Utility, Productivity
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