I bought JOBY Gorillapod SLR-ZOOM.

I bought JOBY Gorillapod SLR-ZOOM.

I was looking around for a mini tripod to use with Canon EOS M3, and the JOBY Gorillapod SLR-ZOOM looked good, so I decided to buy it.

I bought Gorillapod SLR-ZOOM

Gorillapod is well known as a flexible tripod that can bend its legs freely.
What I purchased this time is one that is compatible with digital single-lens reflex cameras.

exteriorThe appearance is solidly made.
The size is 250 x 60 x 60mm.

ball jointThe ball joint is quite stiff.
The load capacity is 3kg.
You can feel safe with this.

conversion screwConversion screws are included and are compatible with both U3/8 and U1/4.
In my case, I don't need the conversion screw at the moment, so I think I'll lose it...

Set EOS M3Set EOS M3.
It's perfectly stable.

Vertical compositionYou can also take vertical composition shots like this, but it might be easier to use a free head.

That's what I was thinking, and it looks like they are also selling a set with the free head.

I took a test shot on the pedestrian bridge.

I immediately grabbed the Gorillapod SLR-ZOOM and tried to take some test shots on a pedestrian bridge somewhere in Nagoya.

on the pedestrian bridge

fixed to the parapetfixed to the parapet.
Of course, I was very careful not to fall.

And here is what I took. ↓

Photographed with a shutter speed of 10 secondsThis is a photo taken with a shutter speed of 10 seconds and cropped.

Yes, I've always wanted to take a photo like this.
If you want to take photos like this with a laser beam, you'll need something to hold the camera in place.


The product itself is really as expected, or I'm generally satisfied.

However, after actually using it, I realized that a free head is still necessary.
Without a free head, it would be very difficult to finely compose the shot after fixing the gorillapod (that's why I cropped it).

There seem to be many options for free heads other than genuine ones, but which one should I choose?

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