iOS app “Music Memos” Memoize composition ideas such as melodies and chord fragments

I tried out the iOS app "Music Memos", which was released on January 20th, and found it very interesting, so I would like to introduce it to you.

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Categories: Music, Entertainment

What is “Music Memos”?

"Music Memos" is a free iOS app that Apple recently released on January 20th (local time) that allows you to record and manage melodies and chord fragments with titles and tags.

Simply put, it's a songwriting version of "Voice Memo."

Apple is said to have developed Music Memos inspired by the fact that many artists use voice memos to record song ideas.

As a side note, there was a scene in the movie "Over The L'Arc~en~Ciel" where hyde was humming snippets of a song on his iPhone. ↓

How to use “Music Memos”

Tap the blue circle in the center of the screen after startup to start recording. ↓Screen after startup

If you tap "Auto" in the upper left, recording will start automatically when you start playing. ↓Recording starts automatically

Tapping the tuning fork can be used not only for tuning guitars, etc., but also for checking the pitch of vocals. ↓tuning

Recording in progress. ↓Recording in progress

After recording, the waveform is analyzed and an optimal chord name is assigned, but this chord name can be changed later. ↓Code name given

You can also listen to a virtual jam session by tapping the bass and drum icons during playback.
It is inevitable that new ideas will come to mind through this virtual jam session.

By tapping the tag icon at the bottom left, you can add tags such as "chord" and "vocal melody." ↓tag

You can also add original tags. ↓original tag

You can also easily edit the recorded data.

Title change. ↓Change title

tempo. ↓tempo

code. ↓code

trimming. ↓trimming

Memos can also be used to select capo and tuning when recording. ↓memo

The recorded data can be imported using Apple's music composition app "GarageBand". ↓GarageBand

Price: 600 yen (at the time of article publication)
Categories: Music, Lifestyle

From this point on, it would be best to create it using something like "GarageBand." ↓GarageBand


It's neat that he specializes in recording the first starting point, the fragments of a song, rather than creating a song.

However, the accuracy of waveform analysis (measures, etc.) still seems to be poor.
I think it would be a really great app if this area could be improved.

I have high hopes for the future.

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Categories: Music, Entertainment
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