[WordPress] How to not create an archive for the author/poster

[WordPress] How to not create author/poster archives

This is a memorandum.

When checking which pages were viewed using Google Analytics, I noticed an unfamiliar URL.

unfamiliar URL

It seems that the poster page/archive is automatically generated by default.

I am the only contributor to this site.
I think this is the case with most personal blogs, but there's not much point in creating a poster archive.

So, I'll do something about it.

How not to create author/contributor archives

Add the following sentence to functions.php.


We use author_rewrite_rules to filter the rewrite rules that generate author archive page URLs.

Then we run flush_rules(), which is the function that regenerates the rewrite rules and saves them to the database.

flush_rules() is called to update permalinks, so go to "Settings" → "Permalink Settings" on the dashboard and update without making any changes

The above method was based on the following website.
How to not create an author (poster) archive in WordPress (studying rewrite rules) | Gatespace's Blog via:
How to create a WordPress theme » How to delete an author page via: Function Reference/WP Rewrite - WordPress Codex Japanese version

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