L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO (Monday/Holiday) September 21, 2015 Live Report

L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO September 21, 2015 (Monday/Holiday) Live Report

L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO September 21, 2015 (Monday/Holiday)

It's been a while since the live show, but here's a live report from the first day at Lal Casino.


The show starts in about 30 minutes.

The opening animation plays, and the L'Arc members defeat an unscrupulous casino called "WAr'CASINO."

It feels like a more comical version of a certain famous anime.

At the end of the animation, I thought he was running dashingly in a limousine, but he actually appeared in a limousine from the back of the live area!!

As I slowly walked down the central flower path, I was scattering Ral bills.

Arrive at the main stage and start.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The intro is a little long.

started off with a bang with “Welcome to Larcasino!!”

"Let's overflow, drink up,
change the symptoms that contrast with pleasure, and build on this earth."

That part fit me perfectly.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

“Eh, already!?”

I couldn't help but raise my voice.

It's very refreshing to have a song in the beginning that has a strong image of being played at the end.

There is no interlude interval.

Pretty girl

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

hyde “Come on, Pretty girl!!”

Images of fire were used.
As expected from a casino, a bunny girl also appears.
This song really gets me excited.

hyde MC1

“Oh Yeah! Welcome to Larcasino!!


A legal casino has finally arrived in Japan.
You guys are the first guests!!

That's great, that's great, that's great, that's great!!


On the street, everyone's eyes were glaring.

You have naughty eyes.

Ah, don't look at me like that.

Is everyone money? Money? Money!

But don't think you can buy anything with money.
Do you understand?

Most things you can buy with money.
You can almost buy it!!
Let's have fun!!

It's not a dream either...
(turning to Ken-chan) What are you laughing at? Why are you laughing?

It's okay if you lose.
Even if I lose, I try to create an image that doesn't make me sad.
Don't worry and enjoy it till the end.

Are you fuckin' ready!?

Now, let's aim to get rich quick in Yumeshima, the city of dreams and desires!!
Let's capture the Japanese dream!!

Well then, let’s get started!
Woh, “Blurry Eyes”!!”

Blurry Eyes

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The familiar whistle by hyde in the intro.

Giant balls with pictures of dice and roulette bouncing above the customers.

This song is also unusual, as there is no interlude interval.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

When the intro came on, the audience's cheers got louder and louder, making me realize that the song was definitely a popular song.
Furthermore, hyde's blues harp performance drew cheers.

and She Said

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

A long SE is added to the intro, and a clown appears.
Does it say "primary-colored clown" in the lyrics?

Has this song been played since Siakis?


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

I think it's been a while since I played this song.

The bass in this song is so cool!!

Cheers go up at tetsuya's bass solo!!

Even here, I've included quite a few rare songs.

Ken MC

: ``What do you think? Did you get it already?
Who was able to pick up the Ral note?

Yesterday, I practiced guitar.
I always play the guitar while thinking about naughty things, but
I also play without thinking about anything but myself, but
I was experimenting to see what would happen if I played for everyone.

That's a mistake.
It's amazing, it's so distracting.
Why should we do it?

Which do you prefer? The one
where you're thinking for everyone's sake and you're like,

the one where you're thinking about nothing but naughty things for me


Well, I think I'll try playing it for everyone from now on, but if you think that's better, clap your hands.

Well then, let's give a round of applause to those who think about naughty things.

I don't know, how long?

Well, for now, I'll do my best with this song for everyone's sake (lol).

Are you making money?
Is it wet?
No, it's probably dry.
Are you wet?!
Are you wet?!
Next song is ``HEAVEN'S DRIVE''!!''


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

hyde's new guitar is now available at L'Arc.

This song also has a really cool bass.

After the song ended, we got into the convertible and moved to the substage.

Substage MC1

: ``Wow, you've come a lot, everyone.
've come a lot.
You've come this far.
A good gathering, all the raruwota.

But what surprises me the most is that the members are all together.

A little nostalgic song.
Well then, Ken-chan, please start. ”

Wind of Gold

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The arrangement seems to follow the Many Kind of Percussion Mix.

Everyone except Yukki performed while sitting in a limousine.

Ken's guitar in this song is probably Elegat.

After the performance,

: "Can I do one more song, something that looks good at sunset? Let
me do it..., let me do it...


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

This song is irresistible in situations where sunset suits you.

I really love this song, so I was happy to hear it.

There are a lot of KISS songs on this day's set list.

Substage MC2

``It's just perfect, it's a perfect sunset.

Everyone, I'm home.
I’m home, I’m home.”

Parrot (hyde)

"I see you're back."

Parrot (hyde)

: ``Well, it's called Yumeshima. Was it here in Yumeshima?
Really, there's nothing there.

It's going to get colder from now on, so please be careful.
It's really cold from the moment the sun goes down.
Not even Yumeshima.

What's up, Tetsuya-san, does it feel good?"

"It feels good, it's crazy, it's crazy."

Parrot (hyde)
“It’s disgusting!”

: “You just said that, don’t you feel it?”

Parrot (hyde)
“It’s disgusting!”

"Yukki, does it feel good?"

(Yukki nods)

Parrot (hyde)
“It’s so gross! It’s so disgusting!”

``It seems to be quite comfortable, so Yukihiro doesn't usually wear a turban on his head.The
turban shows that it feels quite comfortable.I
only wear it when it really feels good.''

Ken-san, do you feel okay?

(Ken-chan grinds his hips and makes an obscene movement (lol))

Amazing, always amazing.
It's amazing, the way you always express yourself. ”

Parrot (hyde)

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Parrot (hyde)

: (To Ken-chan) Are you feeling good?
Can't you see because of the backlight?
I can see just fine.
It's vulgar!
Please stop your vulgar movements (lol).

You can't take away the camera from there.
Am I the only one who sees something vulgar?

Well, after that, it will be difficult to go to the next song,
so is it okay?

Parrot (hyde)

: "I'm saying it's impossible."

"I'll do my best (with hyde's microphone)."

: ``Okay, one more song.
(Ken-chan starts walking towards the flower path)
One more song. Where are you going, Ken-chan?

you okay?
Can we go for one more song?

The other song is, uh, one that requires everyone's help.
I would be happy if everyone could sing.



Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

A chorus of “I’ll draw a dream”.

Since the location is Yumeshima, it was a perfect fit.

I was hoping for no mic during the "Our hearts draw a dream." part like they did at the Nationals, but this time there was none.

After the performance, we headed back to the main stage.

It feels like the first half is over.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The clowns move the lever on the flower path and turn the slot on the screen, but the pictures don't line up.
On the way, they tried to stir up some waves, but they still couldn't get it together and were booed.

After repeating this several times, the skull pictures were finally completed, the word "trick" was displayed, and the members appeared with a roar.

The song starts with Yukihiro's English introduction.

All members were in charge of guitar and vocals, and tetsuya, yukihiro, ken, and hyde sang in that order!!

The arrangement has a strong digital color, and it feels like it's a Lal Casino specification.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

Ken and tetsuya's string instruments perform using timpani-like percussion!!

Since then, not only tricks, but REVELATION has evolved as well.

hyde stirs up the audience by riding on a mikoshi or walking down the flower path with a clown in tow!!
It's like when he performed in Osaka on the AWAKE TOUR 2005 or 20th L'Anniversary Tour.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

Long intro.
The roulette objects on both sides of the stage slid outward to reveal a screen that displayed a skyscraper-like image.

All of them are so cool.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

When it comes to CHASE, it's XXX.

The letters "XXX" were also displayed as if the slot was spinning.

Feeling more bewitching than usual.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

Well, this song was unmarked.

Tetsuya wasn't a double neck guitar/bass.

Just like during AWAKE TOUR 2005, hyde sang the last song ``Kitto Yumeyoku no Sekai'' as ``Is it okay for me to be born?'', but the note division was a little different from AWAKE TOUR 2005. Ta.

hyde MC2

``Hey, are you all having fun?
You're having a great time.
Well, we're a little far away, so it feels like a resort.
Or not?

Well, really, having all the members together like this feels like something out of M Station.
Well, when I have a concert, I was thinking that if possible, I would like to release a summery single before the concert and take on the challenge.

Hey, well, the result is something like what you see.
That's amazing, but I'm sorry.
At least, at least, even if it happens today, I can't let you listen to my new song.

L'Arc en Ciel did his best.

I was still going to talk, I was still going to talk, but I still want to talk. Is it okay?
Oh, my heart is pounding, I still want to talk a little.
... Yes, I was a little surprised because I heard a click in my ear just now.

What's more, if you make a reservation using the QR code on the flyer, you can listen to it in full on your way home.
Now refugees returning home won't be scared.
Will everyone remember and listen to it when they go home?

So let's take a look at ``Wings Flap.'' ”

Wings Flap

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

New song.

It's a song that seems suitable for summer, but it will be released in December (lol).

Caress of Venus

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The outro part of Fare Well is added before the song.

This glittering song matched the concept of this live show.

Driver's High

Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

The engine sound SE sounds and the meter is displayed on the monitor, but the engine does not start easily.

It irritates me.

After that, in the intro, there is a pillar of fire on the flower path!!

This time, hyde didn't make any mistakes like he did at Nationals (lol).


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

"It's getting hot!
Let's get even hotter!
Yumeshima, let's get even hotter!
Let's go!"

After the first performance, fireworks go off and the excitement rises.

Like HEAVEN'S DRIVE, hyde plays a new guitar.


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

How are you!!
How are you!!
You know!!
You know!!
We're having fun!! Hoooo!!
Wasshoi !!”

It's a new pattern: tetsuya bass solo + MC (lol).

Many of tetsuya's songs are "deadly".


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

"READY STEADY GO" in this position is also rare.

The cries of "Are you fuckin' ready!?" were louder than usual.







↑A video like this (sorry for the roughness!!) was being shown.

hyde kept going down the flower path during the song, so he couldn't return to the stage during the song (lol).

I can conveniently interpret it as saying that he was serious about it (lol).

hyde MC3

: “Somehow I couldn’t go back halfway.”

ken (probably)
“Where are you!?”

``I can't go back.

Thank you for coming this far.
I think it was extremely difficult.

(Ken and Yukihiro have an impromptu session)
Are you telling me to run this?
This is too far.

We cannot stand up without everyone's voices.
I was able to stand up.
It's so far away.

Everyone's cute, everyone's cute.
Wow, you've come a long way.
Honestly, everyone really likes it.
Hey, if I didn't like it, I wouldn't come to a place like this.

Hey, next (song is the last), I don't want to say goodbye.
Did you enjoy Lal Casino?
Did you enjoy it?
When I come to a place like this, I always say things like this (lol).
I'll never forget it.

What will happen to this place from now on?
I'm sure it will be developed a lot.
I don't know how it will turn out though.
But I'm sure it will become a wonderful city, and I think everyone will come to visit this wonderful city.
When that happens, brag about it to your friends.

``It's still a vacant lot, but there was a legendary live performance there.
You don't know. ”

Brag about that to your friends.

I think it's really amazing, everyone is really amazing.
They must have come from various places, like by bus.
Thank you so much.

Finally, I would like to hear everyone's voices again.
"you". ”


Price: 250 yen (at the time of article publication)
Category: Rock

As the intro began to play, Yumemai Bridge was lit up in rainbow colors and cheers went up.
“I have you in my heart that shine every day, and
even when my tears run dry, I still have you who are precious to me.”

This big chorus is always moving.

When the song ends, a lot of big fireworks are set off for the finale.


It was a really great live show.

There were no typical mistakes, and all the members seemed to be in good shape.

I had high expectations for the next day's live performance.

[Related]: L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO September 22, 2015 (Tuesday/Closed) Live Report
[Related]: L'Arc~en~Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO with photos

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