Mac application "Xbench" A standard application that allows you to easily perform benchmark tests

Mac application “Xbench”

I was looking for an app that could easily perform benchmark mark tests on Mac, and apparently "Xbench" is the standard.

So, I tried using it right away.

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)

How to use Xbench

This is the screen after startup. ↓Screen after startup

For some reason, Thread Test didn't work properly and the process stopped, so I unchecked it.

All you have to do is select the Volume and click Start.

The test results will be displayed like this. ↓Test result display

You can save this result. ↓Screen after startup

The formats that can be saved are as follows.

  • Xbench
  • Plain Text
  • XML


It's great that you can easily diagnose your PC's performance like this.

And it's free!!

No wonder it's said to be a classic.

It's a mystery why Thread Test doesn't work, but...

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