[Sakura Internet] How to prohibit access to URLs other than the specified unique domain

This is a memorandum.

I have a contract with Sakura's rental server, but I'm starting to worry that I can't access the initial domain.

When I tried googling to prohibit access to the initial domain, I found the following method and tried it.

I added the following content to .htaccess in (/home/Sakura Internet account/www).

SetEnvIf Host "^www\.hogehoge\.com$" hos_ok SetEnvIf Host "^hogehoge\.com$" hos_ok order deny,allow deny from all allow from env=hos_ok

It's like prohibiting access to URLs other than the specified unique domain.
I think this is a good thing.

via: Search results page URL other than your own domain Rental server URL - Google Product Forum

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