The official Google Calendar app for iOS is wonderfully intuitive to use.

Google Calendar

Hello, this is naouniverse ( @naouniverse708 ).

The official Google Calendar iOS app, which was unlikely to exist until now, has recently been released.

Price: Free (at the time of article publication)
Category: Work efficiency

If I can be honest about my impressions after using it, I would like to say that it is wonderful that it can be operated intuitively!!

Although it is simple, I would like to explain how it feels after using it, including images.

Select an account and use it immediately

Select account

Select your account and proceed quickly.

Tap to add event

You can register your appointment immediately.

You can register your appointment immediately.
The registration method is almost the same as the web version of Google Calendar.

Almost the same as the web version of Google Calendar

If you usually use Google Calendar, I don't think you will have any problems.

The registered schedule is very easy to see and looks nice.

Very nice and easy to see

Tap the registered location to launch Google Maps.
While I think it's convenient, it can sometimes be activated by mistake.

Default notification method can be registered in advance

Default notification method

You can register up to 5 items each for ``default notifications'' and ``default notifications for all-day events.''

Easy to switch displays

Click here to switch month display

Switching month display

Click here to switch display and search

Display switching/search


  • schedule
  • 1 day
  • 3 days

You can switch between.


Once again, I think it's great that you can operate it intuitively.
Up until now, schedule management has been based on Google Calendar and various synchronizations, but I'm just happy that an official app for iOS has finally been released.

I would also like to see it support widgets.

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