A bookmarklet that allows you to add fixed phrases to the mobile version display description when editing product data in the Yahoo! Auctions store listing navigation.

A bookmarklet that allows you to add fixed phrases to the mobile version display description when editing product data in the Yahoo! Auctions store listing navigation.

This is a complete business memo.

I created a very manic bookmarklet that allows you to edit the product data in the listing navigation of the Yahoo! Auctions store and add a fixed phrase to the description for display on the mobile version.

Register the following bookmarklet.

javascript:(function(){document.forms['itementry'].elements['use_mobile_desc'][1].click();g_editDoc.body.innerHTML = 'aiueo';itemEntry();})();

To explain briefly,


, "Show special instructions for mobile version" is selected,

Display dedicated description for mobile version

g_editDoc.body.innerHTML = 'Aiueo';

, any fixed phrase is entered in the mobile version display description,

Fixed text with optional explanation for mobile version display


The update button will be pressed.


This series of steps can be done with one click.

I made that because I needed to quickly process the explanation for displaying the mobile version, but it might be more convenient if I added the process for other predetermined settings...

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