I set up a Facebook comment section on my blog.

As a start to the gradual renewal of my blog, I tried setting up a Facebook comment section.

However, it was a struggle.

First, obtain the application ID required for installation.
Log in to Facebook and open Create an App


I decided on a blog name for now.


When this screen appears, click Edit Settings.


Enter your domain and site URL and save your changes.

Next, go to
Comments - Facebook Developer to get the HTML code for the comments field.
Set the following items.

URL to Comment on
(This is where you enter the URL of the site you want to display, but leave it as is for now)
Number of posts
(Number of comments to display)
(Width of this comment field)
Color Scheme
(The theme of the comment field. The background is white If it's light, if it's black, it's dark)


Click on Get Code.

You will see a screen like the one above, so
place the above code inside the <body> tag of your blog post template.

and the code below

<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://example.com" data-width="470"></div>

Rewrite the URL part of <$mt:EntryPermalink$> and
paste it where you want the comment to be displayed.
(For MovableType)

By the way, when I pasted the code below in each article,
the <> characters got garbled and it didn't work (just me?),
I fixed it by pasting it in the continuation of the code above inside the template.

I don't think I'll remove the comments section individually, so I'll wait and see how things go.

100 Blog Management Techniques That Will Always Get Results - The Secrets of &quot;Ore Media&quot; Taught by Professional Bloggers100 Blog Management Techniques That Will Always Get Results - The Secrets of "Ore Media" Taught by Professional Bloggers
Masato, Surp Impress Japan
Sales Ranking: 216 See details on Amazon

I used this book as a reference.
Although there were some changes in the specifications and the procedures were slightly different,
it was a good book that was very easy to understand.

[Related]: Ninja Tools' Ninja Summary button is super convenient! ! Easily set up social buttons all at once

[Related]: I tried introducing Zenback (blog widget) to my blog.

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