Thoughts on Volume 9 of “Vikings of Kings”.

Volume 9 of "Kings of Vikings" depicts Kore-eda's awakening.

Share your impressions.

A cyber adventure story ahead of its time!!

The office of Kiryu, a trusted senior and skilled lawyer who helped Sakai when he was accused of being an insider, has been cracked!
The culprit has threatened to leak customer information! made a despicable threat to a customer...

In order to save this crisis, Kore-eda stands up with a new “weapon” in hand!

via: Kings of Vikings 9 (Big Comics) | Sadayasu, Makoto Fukami | Books |

When you see how the three people on the cover work well together to hunt down the culprit and solve the case, you can feel that not only Kore-eda but also Niwa have grown from the car navigation remote control incident

Kore-eda is also a sight to behold as he makes full use of his new "weapons", collider and sniper.

Ah, but I wish Sniper had a more twisted name like Collider...

Then, in the next story, a domestic unmanned bomber belonging to the Self-Defense Forces is hacked and hijacked, and the scale suddenly becomes so big that I'm a little confused (bitter smile)

The story is set in the IT industry and aims to "conquer the world," so I thought it would eventually move in that direction, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the story will develop in the next volume and how they will take back the hijacked drone. That's right.

[Related]: Impressions of Volume 8 of "Kings of Vikings".
[Related]: [Manga] “Kings of Vikings” is interesting! !

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